Monday, November 25, 2013

2 Months With Us =)

Mr. Smiles has been with us for 2 months now!

So I decided to take some time off of work to spend with baby Smiles (Bonding time) I'm so glad I did, in just the 2 weeks that I have had off he has grown so much, he is starting to pass that newborn phase.  These 2 weeks have also been super's appointment, social worker visits, etc.  In this last visit SW informed us that they were able to get in contact with birth mother, it scares me a bit because of what happened with baby girl and I fear that he too will go back--I feel bad even wishing that he never does go back to his birth mom or family, I feel like I'm wishing birth mom to stay in this horrible life situation and hoping she doesn't get her kids back, how horrible is that?!

I know that the DCFS priority is reunification but we did go into it hoping to adopt. 
Once that first one is adopted I think (once we have the space for more than 1) I would want to continue being a foster parent it is very rewarding and I never thought I would say this as I was never really one to go play with the babies or little ones but I like having the little ones in my home, one word, CUTE!

National Adoption Day was 2 days ago, November 23rd, I was reading some blogs and just browsing the web and as I'm reading some of these blogs it got me thinking "That's going to be me one day, sharing my story"  I'm doing so every time I post on this blog but that story of the day the adoption is finalized.  Can't wait!