Thursday, April 3, 2014

Shoud I Blog/Vlog?

I was reading an article on foster care the other day about needing to be careful what you write about your current placement (click here to read article) after reading that my husband and I were very discouraged to continue our Blog/Vlogs.

Do we continue, we aren’t blogging or vlogging about anything personal about Mr. Smiles so why not?

We sat down and talked about it for a while and asked ourselves, “why did we start blogging/vlogging?” Well the answer to that question is we felt that we wanted to bring awareness to fostering. Granted there are lots of blogs out there about fostering if you really look for them so what is one more right? but why are we vlogging? people can actually see us and by seeing us will that be dangerous for us and for baby? I don’t know, but that is exactly how that article made us feel.

We knew from the beginning that we could not share pictures of our placements in social media, or share stories about them in social media. Of course you can talk to your family and share, that is what they are there for, they are our support system through all this as well as eachother.

So we ask ourselves again, “why blog/vlog?” our answer to that question was again, awarness and a way to let our extended friends and family who we don’t see very often into our world of fostering. I don’t see a problem with continueing to blog or vlog as long as we do it right.

It’s not just about fostering it’s about me and my husband as a family going through this journey and sharing it with people we love and people who are interested in knowing more about it.
Every case is different so maybe ours will relate to someone out there and help them along the way.

So thank you for those who are interested in our journey or fostering in general.

I will continue to blog at